Thursday, April 8, 2010

Chili-Basted Chicken w/ Pineapple Salsa, Over a Bed of Homemade Buttery Noodles

Going all out tonight folks!! Initially it was supposed to be GRILLED Chili-Basted Chicken, but as I have an online class starting in 30 min... I may have to improvise by sauteing. Remember guys- when in doubt, saute! Hmmm... I think I may TM that phrase, or whatever it is you do when you want money for people to copy your words. Moving right along... I have the chicken basted, sitting on a pan to be transferred when my saute pan gets hot enough. The "baste-paste", yet another soon to be TM-ed phrase, is made of: Dijon mustard, cayenne, paprika, chili powder, and oil. I'll check back with you when I come to another stopping point!


The noodles were a complete failure!! I apparently didn't have anymore all-purpose flour, so I decided whole-wheat would work just the same. I don't know if it was the flour or what, but I couldn't even work with the dough as it was just a big 'ol pile of flour cement.

The chicken came out beautiful, but I wish I had had time to grill it. I think the flavor would have been completely different. I also wish I had added more paste to it, the flavor/spice was definitely lacking. But I could definitely sense the match up between the salsa and the chicken, they paired well together! Again though, I wish I had a stronger flavor on the chicken to combat the sweetness of the pineapple.

All-in-all, the flavor was lacking. Not sure this is a make-again dish... I am actually quite disappointed, I had higher hopes for the outcome than what was put in front of me.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Second Shot at Veggie Pizza

The hubby and I decided last night to make Veggie Pizza!! Or, we made pizzas and mine was vegetarian, but that's beside the point. This time I knew what to expect... That the original recipe would have too much dry, and not enough liquid. So I was able to tweak it my own measurements, or what I thought would be a good amount of whole wheat flour! Couple extra additions of flour later, I finally had a great consistency at the original recipes amount... WHAT?! I am not sure what I did the first time, but I will choose to blame the weather. That affects stuff, right?

Anyways, I topped my pizza the same way- tomato slices and spinach underneath a blanket of molten cheese. MMMMMMM! It was positively divine! I am actually going to link the crust here...

Enjoy, my fellow foodies!